July 2018 Security Update

Are you gearing up for Prudential RideLondon this weekend?
The Prudential RideLondon Festival is taking place this weekend when more than 100,000 cyclists are expected to participate in seven separate events, four of which take in parts of Surrey, including Mickleham and Westhumble.
On the day the organisers are responsible for running the event and will have stewards along the route. In addition Surrey Police Officers will be patrolling the Surrey section of the route to ensure a highly visible police presence and appropriate policing support to the organisers to help ensure a safe and secure event for all those attending.
Stay safe and ensure you have a great time whether you’re riding or spectating by following normal police advice. If you’re driving to Prudential RideLondon, make sure you park at a police approved car park, visit www.parkmark.co.uk to find one near you.
More information:
- If you have any concerns regarding Prudential RideLondon, you can contact the organisers at [email protected] or call 0345 894 9773.
- You can find out more information about Prudential RideLondon by going to https://www.prudentialridelondon.co.uk
- For details on road closures visit https://www.prudentialridelondon.co.uk/info-hub/road-closures/
- For details on community access visit https://www.prudentialridelondon.co.uk/info-hub/community-info/community-access/
Combating Bicycle Theft
PC Gargini and British Transport Police visited Leatherhead Railway Station to offer free security marking and advice to combat cycle theft. If you missed this event (there will be others) check out the advice on Bike Register https://www.bikeregister.com/ to protect your bicycle from theft.
Reporting Crime Or Suspicious Activity
Diesel fuel was stolen from a tractor in Hackhurst Lane, Abinger Hammer between 10am July 18th - 5pm July 19th. If you spot any suspicious activity report it as soon as possible with as much detail as you can provide:
o Is the suspect alone or in a group?
o Are they trespassing?
o Do they have equipment, dogs or firearms with them?
o Are you aware of where suspects have been or where they are heading?
o What do they look like?
o Have they any vehicles? What are the number plates and vehicle models?
o Can you safely get a photograph?
Call 101 to report crime, or dial 999 in an emergency or if a crime is in progress.
Cold-Calling Fraudsters
According to ActionFraud, 31% of all reported frauds are enabled by phone-calls. Compare that to 13% of reports coming from scam or phishing emails, and it's clear to see that talking to someone in conversation is harder to ignore.
If you have relatives, friends or neighbours who are elderly or vulnerable, look out for some important signs. Please consider:
- Is someone getting a lot of nuisance calls?
- Has their financial situation changed recently?
- Are they suddenly struggling for money and unable to fund daily activity?
- Are they acting out of character or has their spending pattern changed?
- Are they acting secretly or giving vague answers about where their money is?
- Have they mentioned speaking to someone new over the phone, for example an investor?
Make sure the elderly and vulnerable know:
- Fraudsters are most likely to target victims by phone
- Legitimate organisations (including banks and police forces) will NEVER ask for PINs or passwords
- Fraudsters use pressurising tactics which must be ignored
- As soon as a cold caller asks for banking or personal information, they must hang up.
Report any attempted frauds to ActionFraud on 0300 123 2040. Your information may help prevent further victims of fraud.
Have you considered starting a Neighbourhood Watch Group?
Read more via this link https://www.ourwatch.org.uk/.
For help e-mail [email protected]

Incidents And Reports Of Rural Crime Are On The Increase
Report any incidents/suspicions as soon as possible with as much detail as you can provide. If possible, make a note of the following:
- Is the suspect alone or in a group?
- Are they trespassing?
- Do they have equipment, dogs or firearms with them?
- Are you aware of where suspects have been or where they are heading?
- What do they look like?
- Have they any vehicles? What are the number plates and vehicle models?
- Can you safely get a photograph?
Call 101 to report crime, or dial 999 in an emergency or if a crime is in progress.
Gates and fences are the first signs of a secure home and act as a good deterrent to intruders. Make sure they are in good repair.
- Keeping your front gate closed sends a psychological message of privacy, so consider investing in a gate spring.
- Ensure that side access to the rear garden is secured with a 2 metre high fence and gate. You can fix trellis topping to your fence as it makes climbing difficult.
- Ensure ladders are put away and bins can’t be turned into climbing aids
- For a perimeter fence by a public path or other vulnerable area consider defensive or prickly shrubbery on your side of the fencing.
- An outdoor light operated by sensors can be used to make intruders feel vulnerable and observed.
- Illuminate areas such as the front, side and rear of your home
- Make sure passers-by can see the front of your home by cutting your shrubs and bushes to 1m so burglars can’t work without being seen.

Seurity alarm systems can be used to strengthen physical home security measures. They can be used as a deterrent and a means of summoning help if somebody breaks into your property.
When investing in an intruder alarm it is advisable to have it professionally installed. Do not consider cold callers or telesales inquiries and avoid when it comes to choosing your alarm company. If you have serious doubts about the legality or sales techniques contact the Police or Trading Standards for advice.
There are two main types of alarm systems to consider for your home:
Audible only
- When the alarm is activated it operates an internal and/or external siren to call attention to the property.
- These systems can be DIY or professionally installed
Remotely Monitored System
- When the alarm is activated it sends a signal to a central monitoring station who in turn will automatically call a key holder of your choice, and if you require it, the Police
If you choose a police response alarm it must be installed and maintained by a company that conforms to the ACPO security systems policy, and whose business is subject to inspection by a UKAS accredited body.
Currently only two such organisations are accepted by the Police. These organisations will give you details of member companies who operate in your local area.
The National Security Inspectorate (NSI)
The Security Systems and Alarm Inspection Board (SSAIB)
Choosing your alarm:
- Check the address and credentials of the company and proof of identity from their representative
- Obtain written quotes from at least two companies
- Ask if they can supply you with a list of police rules for monitored alarmed premises
- Request a written confirmation that they are registered with the Police force in your area
- The company needs to operate a 24-hour call-out service and emergency attendance within four hours
- Obtain written quotes from at least two companies
- If the installation of a security system is an insurance requirement, check that the security company is acceptable to your insurer
Operating your home security alarm system:
- Make sure the installer explains the operation of your system
- Read the instructions and ensure you, and those who use the system are familiar with the alarm
- Arrange for a responsible person to hold keys to your home and be able to operate the alarm
- Where audible-only systems are installed, neighbours should be aware and agree to report any activation that appears to be accompanied by criminal or suspicious activity
- False alarms should be investigated and the cause corrected or the system modified
- External sirens and bells should not operate for more than 20 minutes. Excessive noise and frequent false alarms can irritate neighbours and lead to complaints.